KIDS R KIDS Early Learning Centre

We opened in 1995 and have been providing high quality programming and child care for Nova Scotian families for over 28 years now.
Are you wondering about our curriculum and approach? It is that of Capable, Confident and Curious Children.
Are you wondering about our actual centre itself? We have 6 classrooms and 2 playgrounds full of fun, laughter and learning.
You can see a good amount of it in action via our Instagram.
We also have a Facebook page and a parent Facebook group once families join the community.
If you are wondering about the snacks and lunches, You can check out: Our Menu
If you are wondering about our policies and processes, please review and read: Our Parent Policy Manual

Perhaps you are wondering about costs: That is complicated. The provincial government, as of January 1st/2022, introduced fee reductions based on children’s ages. So we have our fee, $43 / day AND off of this is the fee reduction. Then for SOME families, if they also have a child care subsidy from the NS government, then that is applied as well. So as you can see, to tell you exactly what you will be paying depends on your child’s age and whether you have a subsidy or not. Subsidy information and application.

We are currently full but we are have opened our waiting lists at this time:

    Our Infant Wait List Form
    Our Toddler Wait List Form
    Our Preschool Wait List Form

How Our Wait List Works: The Star System
Once you are on our list, you need to keep in touch with us to retain your status and increase your placement on the list. The most frequent you can contact us is once a week. This can either be via email or via telephone; each time, receives a star. This saves us time when we go to fill a space as we know who is interested and we have already built a relationship with the family through phone calls or email chats. When we go to our list to offer the space, we look to see how many stars each family has and the one with more stars we call. This has been our system for many, many years and it works for us.

Important links for Our Parents and All Nova Scotia parents of young children in or contemplating licensed child care

    Capable, Confident, and Curious: Nova Scotia’s Early Learning Curriculum Framework
    Nova Scotia Child Care Subsidy Info and Application
    Provincial Parent Fee Reductions
    Early Learning and Child Care Regulations
    NS Guidelines for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control for Child Care Settings

Parent Fee Reduction per day December 31, 2022 based on a child’s age.
Child’s Age
Infant (0-17 Months) $23.00
Toddler (18-35 Months) $18.25
Preschooler (36 Months & older) $18.25

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for regular updates on all the learning & fun we have here!

Here is a link to our Parent Policy Manual in PDF form.

18 Oland Crescent,
Bayers Lake Business Park
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3S 1C6 - Canada

(902) 450-5437 (KIDS)